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My mothers statement had me wondering if she knew i was whacking off, not that it mattered. Well, I got the answer to that one day when i overheard a telephone conversation between my mom and my aunt June. "Yes June I'm telling you I've noticed Jared peeking up my skirt and down my blouse and whenever we are alone together he's got a bulge in his shorts!" There was no anger in my mothers voice, she sounded surprised and . He is standing directly in front of me smiling. If I didn't mention it before he is hot. He has short blond hair blue eyes and a strong handsome face. I even like his porn star mustache. Add a wide chest, thin wast, strong legs, massive bulge and you understand what I am going to ask him. I just get on me knees before him and grab his belt. My hands tremble as I start unbuckling. It is one of those wide patten leather ones with two rows of holes. The head of his cock is pushing against the snap. Jim opened up a red case holding drugs and syringes. He took out one the size neither Maggie nor Avery could have dreamt about. He opened a small vial and sucked out the entire contents with the syringe, he pushed on the plunger forcing a stream of liquid out the needle’s tip. ‘Jim, you don’t have authorization!’ ‘Are you his wife?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘Do you give me permission to use this drug?’ ‘Yes!’ Maggie’s words barely left her lips when she saw the paramedic pour iodine all over Drew’s chest and. Soon, she’s creaming his cock and he’s creaming her insides. She lays there, on her stomach and waits for him to dismount, which he does very, very slowly. After he lays down, she gets up and stretches. Ah, what a GREAT way to start the day! She makes her way to the bathroom, turns on the shower, just when it’s right she steps in and lets the water run all over her. She washes her beautiful black hair and body, rinsing off, turning the water off, steps out, moves to the sink to brush her teeth.
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