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Melanie again.?Mind if I bring a friend??Disappointment made my cock sink down between my legs again. All right, I thought. I knew it had been too good to be true. She'd just been teasing me, playing with my expectations. Typically her! If she was bringing a friend of course she didn't have wild and dirty sex in mind. I could hardly say no now though – that would make me come off as a complete asshole after all. And maybe scare her away for good? I texted her and said sure, and asked where. Thank god Ellie started laughing her head off. I guess a shit ton of beer and a couple of blunts will would make anyone laugh at a disastrous attempt at a kiss. “Nice try, old man!” Ellie pushed me off of her and continued to try and contain her laughter. “Can I try that again?” I was desperate to taste her lips. “What? No! At least not now.” “Please?” “We’re too drunk and too stoned to even think about trying that again. I’m too tired anyway. I haven’t slept in the past twenty-four hours. " If we bought Ferguson's place, and we included all three farms together, we'd have around 1900 acres to play with. Figuring even $150 per head profit and raising 450 head per year, we'd be able to clear $67,500 per year on beef cattle alone. We should be able to clear at least that much on bulls and heifers as well. Add to that the crops we'd sell and we would have a pretty good income for the five of us." Are you suggesting a partnership?" I asked."Yep. It just makes sense. You and Patty are. Jerking my cock as she licked and sucked on my nuts looking up at me with her brown eyes, "Am I doing a good job Tommy?" I nodded, "Fuck yeah! You keep it up I might take you shopping anyway!" Surprised me by standing up, taking off the top of her outfit to show her perky tits, and climbed on top to slowly slide herself onto my dick. Shoving her titties in my face as I motorboat them, "Fuck yeah! You love this shit don't you!" Riding hard on top nearly breaking the chair. Simone screaming in my.
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