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Suddenly, as he kept fucking me, he started going crazy and I knew he was going to cum. Suddenly, my apple watch (my bf gave) started showing incoming call, it was my ex-boyfriend). I was so turned on, I asked daddy, and daddy said sure to talk to your boyfriend. He kept pummeling his dick in my pussy, stretching my pussy to the limits. As I picked up the phone, suddenly, daddy smashed a finger in my asshole, I screamed and I came right then, for the 3rd time that night. My Boyfriend asked what. The first party was unbelievable -- perfectly, amazingly, overwhelmingly great. Afterward I found I was constantly hot, sexually aroused big time. I could not stop thinking about that night, all the combinations and permutations of men I had been with, the gallons of cum that drenched me, the welcomed invasion of my every opening, in so many creative ways. All while on display, watched by so many men as I wallowed in cum. So hot! Once I had that, I wanted it again. Really wanted it. I had. I knew this would help me get into her pants this particular evening, and after chatting about it we started playing under our blanket.After a few minutes of touching each other, and gathering se courage, I came out and asked her specifically.“Beth, if you could have an incestual relationship, whom would it be?”“My uncle Steve, without a doubt”, she said with no hesitation.Again, my mind goes to the stories I have read, and picture her uncle Steve eating her pussy and then fucking her raw. I. . Ishhhhhhhh….. Uuuuuuuuuufffff….. Ah ah ahhhhhhhh…. Tomal da goooooooooo….. Amar gud er jol khoscheeeeee….. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh bole amar mukhe jol kkhosiye dilo.Ami juthir gud er jol kichuta chete kheye keyar mukher upor theke sore juthir gud ta keyar mukhe chepe dhorlam.Juthir baki gud er jol ta keyar mukhe porte laglo kolkol kore.2 bon e 2joner gud er jol sobdo kore chete chete khete laglo.Drisso ta dekhe amar vison hot laglo, ami jore jore bara khechte laglam…. Uh uh uh kha kha 2jon 2joner.
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