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See, it's just like with John - we all knew, but we didn't think aboutit." Maybe you're right, but I don't know. I just hope that I haven't messedhim up forever."From beside them, from the doorway to the dinning room, they heard thesound of someone clearing her throat. They turned and saw Dr Kim. "I'mglad to find you both together. May I speak to you both for a fewmoments?"Lilly sprung to her feet as if Dr Joyce were a surgeon coming into thewaiting room. "Is Paulie ok?"The doctor saw the. “Hmmm! Thanks for that. I really needed that one, and my boyfriend just couldn't get me there, bless ‘im. The trouble is, once I've started I got to keep goin’ till I get there. And I can’t stand the frustration if I don’t get off, it drives me mad, like an itch you can’t scratch, you know?” “An’ he was falling asleep on the job, so I thought I’d come an’ see you instead, an’ I'm glad I did.” I was a bit dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say to such open and honest thoughts, spoken in such. That realization had changed her somehow, softened her, made her more free and accessible. And that’s when she’d jumped on a plane to spend her last days with me.As the second of the three months drew to a close, Celeste started exhibiting changes. She would enter fugue states that would last up to an hour, and when she came out of them, she had no memory of ever having been gone. Entire hours vanished for her, and she had no memory of what’d had happened while she’d been away. Her vision. I write this to document the strange occurrences going on in this house since I moved in. I never was one to believe in ghost stories or anything of the paranormal but over the past month, this house may make me a believer. Night 1 During the day, nothing happens that I can tell, the strange happenings mostly occur at night. The first started around 6 pm. I was watching America’s Got Talent on the television while eating my Chinese take-out when I felt a cold chill coming from upstairs. When I.
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