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The barman nodded and turned to get our drinks.As we crossed the floor once more with our drinks the staff were closing all of the blinds that covered the windows. It didn’t make it dark but it did mean that the light show became more effective.The DJ was calling for attention as I passed the ladies’ drinks across the table.“And now it’s time for the bride and groom to have their first dance as husband and wife. Would Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan make their way onto the dance floor?”Everyone cheered. I slid my hands under her skirt, caressing her tight bottom. My hand slid between her legs, finding the wet entrance to her vagina I slid two fingers inside and started to move them back and forth. My thumb rubbed against her clit. It felt swollen and enlarged some more. The slickness of her pussy excited me even more.I tried to move a little, but it just sent my cock crashing against her buttocks. She bent her hips a little more, affording better access, and I managed to slide my hard cock. “Yes ma’am.” I replied, and did what I was told.The bar for a tail hit the floor and I hovered on my knees to keep it off of the ground.“Sit back.”” she coaxed, placing a foot on my shoulder.The view of her sex pressing against her panties took my mind off of my backside. The metal scraped on the concrete and she moved her foot off of my shoulder, placing it on the bunk behind me.“Now, I want tongue.” she instructed, and pulled her panties to the side.Her gash was soaked and literally drooled. I shut off the lights and made my way beside her in bed. It was nice to cuddle with her and feel her warmth. We laid there in each others arms and she drifted off to sleep and I thought about how she was so experienced at such a young age. I would learn the answer to my thoughts months later as we both began to learn each others language and she relayed this account to me. I had learned her name was Bonita, which meant pretty. She shared a small hut like shelter with her mother and father. She.
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