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She caressed Jill's hair as a sign of approval. But the truth was, this was better than anything she had ever felt before. Her back suddenly arched and she screamed so loud that she was afraid the other residents of the building might call the police. But she didn't care, it wasn't the first time she had to explain to the cops why she was screaming. Susan was a screamer, and she was on the verge of an earth shattering orgasm, and it was all thanks to the virginal mouth of her former student."Oh. I sit with my head on one side and watch as you slip it off - followed by your bra. You breathe in and hold your breath - once again biting your lip - blushing and looking nervious. I reach out and softly stroke your cheek with my fingers. I lean in and kiss you again and then pull back and gesture for you to lie down on your front.I warm the oil between my fingers and then start to slowly rub it into your back... Lingering on where I can feel the knotted muscle - I can feel you relaxing under. When she was done I was shocked at the transformation. Sandy looked like one of those floozies in school that always had a troop of boys following her. For the first time in my life I felt a rush in my nuts from looking at a girl. I knew Satan’s imp was in me but I thoroughly enjoyed the sensation of my eggs getting warm, my pecker filling my underwear. Sandy looked at me with a faint tremor in her voice, “Sweet God I feel decadent! How do I look?”“You look like one of those girls dad is always. She staggered from it as her powers were fully restored to her. Maccus, still holding her hand, gripped it more tightly and steadied her with his other. When she was steady again, he took the amulet from her so he could fasten the chain around her graceful neck. The pendant nestled snuggly at the opening to the valley of her breasts. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and leaned her head back and just let the power flow through her. When at last she opened her eyes again, she finally.
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