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'Life doesn't get better than this' I thoughtto myself.The day of the ball soon came around. We had arranged for a limoto take us to the event and were due to meet our escorts in thehotel lounge that evening, so had all day to get ready. The hotelmanicurist came to fix out nails in the morning. She showed us abook of what she could do. Kim must have been feeling a littleraunchy that morning as she decided to have her nails painted ina striking black and gold tiger skin effect, to compliment. She had heard her husband cum about 5 minutes ago, when he let out a loud groan. He was sitting in a chair he had pulled up close to the bed. His legs stretched out hard and twitching, as he furiously stroked his cock to a big cum. She had noticed that after wards he just sat there, with his cum all over his hand and legs. Hell, the slob even had it on the chair, but at least she wouldn't have to clean it up, as they would be out of the motel as soon as this nigger was done.But now her hubby. 5 inches long.It was not huge, but big enough to fuck her brains out. I threw her on the sofa and started sucking well shaped big boobies and inserted my middle finger in her pussy as well and she was moaning sweetly.She, taking my cock in her hand, started playing with it gently after doing these all for few minutes. I placed my lips on her shove pussy and started sucking and gave her tongue fuck. She started moaning loud to louder aahI did it for five minutes until her pussy was totally wet. I wasn’t crying, but tears were certainly running down my face, just from the sheer struggle that my uncle forced me through. I didn’t even realize at the time that I had swallowed the last few loads of my uncle’s cum, since he slammed it down my young throat, but I did...Uncle Vinny cleaned me up, and asked me if I wanted to visit him more during that summer. He told me that since Aunt Audrey had passed, he was very lonely, and he would love it if I kept visiting. I was very happy to hear him.
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