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" When?"Mishy shrugged. "I don't have a date set yet. I'll know when it's time." How?" Dave asked."Cuz I'll have accomplished all the things on my list of things to do before I die." What's on the list?" Have sex, graduate high school with a four point oh GPA, better than either of my brothers did. Have a baby. Make a good home made apple pie. Play Cello at Radio City Music Hall." I thought you hated playing the Cello?" I just told my Mom that to upset her. They forced me to take Cello lessons. I should know my cousin Tina fist-fucks my cunt to her elbow, whenever she comes to visit. My brother’s huge cock begins to move in and out of my battered pussy.“That’s it, fuck my pussy big brother. Fuck it harder,” I said feeling his giant dick sawing in and out of my distended cunt. My pussy is getting a workout this morning and I love it. My orgasms started coming quick.“FUCK ME, FUCK ME, - HARDEERR,” I screamed as I slipped into orgasm overload. I don’t know how long my brother fucked me,. She had to work two jobs to make ends meet and keep the bills paid. During the day she worked in an office and at night she worked at a bar. Les would tell me he would often be awaked at night by hearing her bed squeaking and strange noises coming from her room. She was meeting men at the bar and bringing them home to fuck.As the years went on my lust for her grew. She had married a local guy when I was f******n and moved to the other side of town. At this house she had a swimming pool and I. But you know that dont you? You were listening at my door." How did you know?" I asked him."I seen the shadow of your feet under my door", he said."Well, it was hot hearing you cum. I wish I could have seen it." I told him.That was all the encouragement he needed. His fingers slipped under my bikini bottom and fount my pussy. He began stroking me. It felt so good. I turned myself over onto my back without him having to remove his hand from inside my bottoms. "Mmmm Grampy that feels real.
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