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Thursday afternoon I flew to Dallas for a Friday morning meeting with a potential client. The company, Gene-Biotics, was one of a thousand I guessed in the field of gene splicing and editing targeting certain cancers and other diseases. They were small but had a huge pile of money burning a hole in their pocket, so they’d identified seven other companies as potential merger or takeover targets.I was interviewed by four of their executives Friday morning, and also gave a presentation about our. Rebecca is her name. We’ve decided to have her baptized. We’d be honored if you would be willing to be her godfather. I mean for real, my friend,” he said.I stared at him for a long moment. “Huh?” I said.“It would be a real thing for us, not just some ceremonial thing if you know what I mean.“We want you in our lives, Jim. The both of us want you in our lives. Claire especially wants to make good by you,” he said.“Yeah, but you’ll still be in her bed and I’d still have my cold sheets to comfort. Game "Rounds": It is quite possible for the game to end without any of the players fulfilling the victory conditions if this happens the players still in the game can chose to play a new "round" or agree to end the game in a draw, these players only these players can chose if they wish to keep the changes they receved over the course of the last round or return to how they were at the start of the round (have the choice to keep a single change of their liking), players lose all memories of. I have come to learn that there is a quiet strength in surrendering control over yourself to someone else’s will. I have come to believe that submission is freedom from making terrible decisions but not freedom from consequences. I don’t suppose any of that makes any sense to you because to you it probably looks like sex toys, whips, and chains. I don’t blame you, on the surface that is what I thought it was too from the outside. I realize now that sex is just a byproduct of the training. You.
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