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.I'll see it again soon enough." Yes Master." I say recovering, and sorting out my dress... glad thatit's time to eat, and that for the duration of the meal he keeps hishands to himself.But afterwards it's dancing, and he has free reign to feel me up, togrind his crotch against me on the slow dances... and I have no doubthe's as stiff as I feel I should be. What's worse is I'm sure I'mfeeling little stirrings down there myself... and that would be awful..."Mind if we cut in?" Comes a familiar,. It seemed to me that they were arguing about something. I turned back when I was about to enter backstage. She was still following me with her eyes. I disappeared from her sight with a smile.Backstage was dimly lit, not as vibrant as the auditorium. But looked exotic with a dripping pussy in the midst. Melanie was standing there as ordered. It was hot to see when all your orders are carried out, barring any inhibitions that a human mind could have.I thrive in the control, power, and influence. She looked at me and then around the room, “what happened?”I smiled, “you tell me.”She looked down at her naked body before looking at me, “are you my new owner?”My cock was hard and I grinned, “I would love to be.”I sat on the edge of the bed, “who are you and why did they use a drug to put you to sleep?”She shifted and sat up and crossed her legs, “I am Allie Norris. My parents abandoned me a year ago and ... I was living on the street and...”She looked at me as she bit her lip, “I sold. I talked to a psychologist who’s on-call for this kind of thing.”“OK. What did he say?”“She. It was a woman.”“OK, what did she say?”“She said that in cases like this one, it’s highly likely that the boy is using his mother’s panties to masturbate because of the way it makes him feel, physically.”“No shit, huh?” I said with a chuckle.“Ben,” Sam said seriously as a way of lightly chiding me. “That’s not what she meant. She said that there’s probably something about the fabric that feels.
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