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I dropped my napkin near the spot on the floor and surreptitiously wiped it up. When I got outside, I smelled it and, sure enough, it was cum. I sucked the napkin to taste it and could tell it was very fresh. By now, I was totally turned on. I decided I would move my car into position so I could monitor their movements when they left. It wasn't long before they started toward the hotel. To my amazement, they went into the room next to mine. It was they who had been fucking that morning. I went. He had a good hold on her and she was powerless to do anything but endure it."Oh God, Michael...please....fuck me! I want you.." she cried. Rebecca was panting sweat-drenched and moaning her need as Michael finally relented and stood up. He unbuckled his belt and dropped his trousers and boxers in one move. He moved closer to the girls spread legs and put his cockhead against her slippery pussy lips. He teased her a bit more by running the head up and down her pussy lips letting her feel Him. By silent, but mutual consensus it was time to go upstairs. To avoid an awkward lift journey I went to use the bathroom and said I would meet them shortly in their room. This also gave me time to take a breath and think about what I was doing; is this really what I wanted? I rearranged my clothing a little – more cleavage, less buttons - and as I swept my hand against my panties a realised there was a tell-tale damp patch. Clearly, this really was what I wanted.In the lift was the. Her skill, and affinity for horses, was undoubted and she was often asked to ride one or other of the school's own horses in competitions. It was at a gymkhana that she first saw the Emir, though she had no idea then who he was.He watched her competitive round and she was clearly a natural horse-woman. When she had finished with a very competent clear round on a far from brilliant horse, he moved over to the area where the horse-boxes were parked. Off the horse she was a trim-looking young.
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