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They took her over to a metal pole and tied her hands behind her around the pole. She was so weak that she just slumped to her knees with one leg on each side of the pole. The two men now walked over to me and started rubbing my breasts. It was then that I remembered that I had not even worn a bra. I wondered if that is what had caught there attention at the club. An older woman, dressed as a teenager without a bra. The one man then ran his hand up under my skirt. “Hey,. I would suggest that you buy some TV dinners. Something like fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy and a vegetable. Something that tastes bland like a hospital would serve. Maybe some Jello for dessert. Also, you need to get some plastic glasses for water for him. No milk with a local label that he can identify. Gary told me you have the trays and dish covers, but you also need some non-descript silverware too. Probably any thrift shop will have them." I've got some old US Government. You're having the baby; you'll take care of it." "Anatomy is destiny, right?" She cocked her head quizzically. "That's your final word?" "Damn right. When I left, I told you that. Deny it if you want, but it's true." "If you think babies are strictly women's work, you should've been a woman. Then you could deal with 3 AM feedings and diapers. And cooking and sewing and laundry. And making yourself pretty for a man, of course. I bet you'd love to do your face and fix your hair every. I started by laying my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me, nothing we haven’t done before but never alone. I drew patterns into his flat stomach seeing as he still had no shirt on and I could feel him shiver and his breath hitch. His arm tightened momentarily on my shoulder then he let go, I got closer and rubbed myself a bit on him “trying to get comfortable”. From my position I could see a bulge forming in his swim trunks, which he tried to hide by fidgeting, which only made it.
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