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Crete included, headed to the locker room, stripped naked, and hit the showers. Chad was first man in and first man out. As usual, Mr. Crete took his time and was the last one out of the showers. Mr. Crete finished his shower, grabbed his towel, and dried off. He headed back to his locker that he usually kept open and started to dress. Except that something was missing. Where did he put his underwear?He checked the hooks in his locker. Not there. He double checked his pile of clothes. Nothing.. "James Read seems a broken young man now, but what I can tell you isthat his psychological problem wasn't anything major. He had a fear offlying and he was seeing a psychologist to try and cure himself so thathe could take his girlfriend away on a holiday. Does that sound like aman who'd go and expose himself? Everything that I can find out hereindicates he was a nice quiet young man who was a bit on the shy side.Not the sort of person who'd go round exposing himself. See what elseyou can pick. Nena self-consciously tried to shift to get away from his probing eye, yet a part of her wanted more. Wanted more of what they had done to her. She felt like a smoldering ember. Her feelings causing her to feel confused, unblanced and unsure of herself.He said, "We really think you're a nice girl Nena and we want to show you the hotel where we're staying. It's a neat place and has every convenience," Mark smiled.Nena looked at him distrustfully, slowly shaking her head no"You can come up and at. Thank you.””No, it’s nice,” she went on, “my husband does it too soft...guess he’s getting older and has spent his life in an office.” Trying to say something nice, I said, “Well by the looks of this place and the girl he married it has worked out for him.” “That’s sweet of you to say but just because a man can afford something doesn’t mean he knows how to take care of it. Know what I mean?”I think I did know what she meant, but it was feeling a little bit like a trap. I stuttered to find the.
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