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"hold on sweetie i brought some clothes." then they went into my sisters room. i checked the clock it was 7:00 PM and almost dark. (that may seem peculiar for it to get dark that early in the middle of the summer but it does in lake tahoe because the whole area is surrounded by mountains hence the early darkness)about five minutes later i was about to get a snack when they came out. holy shit i thought. my sister was wearing the sexiest thing i ever saw. she had on heels that made her ass just. It was never lost on her as a child. She knew she was basically strewn about to the families of her friends. And for some reason they never ask her how her father was or where he was at the time. It had all been set up. He’d managed her life from afar. And that’s how she had always seen him… from afar, like a bad episode of Charlie’s Angels and the ominous Charlie. Her father never physically played a major role in her life and he was all she had. It was quite pitiful. But through it all. Michael was next and chose dare.“I dare you to take off your shirt too.” said Michael.Michael took off his shirt to reveal his sexy body. He had a tattoo on his left rib that said, God on it. Chris was a sucker for tattoo’s and almost drooled over Michael’s. The room was soon full of lust, and even though Chris didn’t know it, Michael was enjoying the situation as much as him. And soon Michael would take advantage of it. Chris, went next and pulled dare.“I dare you to get butt naked.” said. Climbing down the stairs, he was surprised at all of the activity. Mary was eating breakfast while chatting with Fred. It was obvious that Fred was completely amazed by whatever Mary was telling him.Taking a seat at the table, Sid loaded a plate with sliced ham, scrambled eggs, sliced tomatoes, melon, cheese, and several rolls. Looking down at his plate, he realized just how much food he had taken. Feeling a little embarrassed, he said, "I hope everyone else has eaten."Laughing, Fred said,.
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