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These are then connected by a heavy steel bar. The weight alone is verypainful, though not painful enough to prevent my erection. At each"shackle" an electric wire is then attached and when I cum, he switchesthe current on, making me twitch and scream in pain. Sometimes alligatorclamps, squeezing my testicles are also employed, but there are othermethods as well. Occasionally he will plunge thin skewers through mytesticles as I cum and follow this already outrageously painful maneuverup by. I took only a very small quantity but he consumed a very large amount. So he became unsteady and was unable to walk properly. I brought him home. Fortunately the staircase to the upstairs was separate and I managed to take him to his portion without my relatives seeing us.VM was a bank employee and he had his wife, one son aged 10, one daughter aged 7 or so, his mother and his grandmother with him. His wife was about 35-40 years. When he returned home drunk, she did not like it and scolded me. It was black in color and almost 4 inch when flaccid. The other two showed their cocks two. One guy was about 6 inches erect with long brown hair all over it while the other guy had 5 inch cock which was really really fat.Then they asked me to show mine. I was shy but they encouraged me and so I got up to show mine. I was slightly drunk so I turned around and shook my hips a bit as I removed my shorts. I began shaking my ass and it was bouncing hard as I removed my shorts. This got them more. This is what you are giving the woman you love…a man she deserves….feel it…feel the man that’s going to take your place….Amazingly Mike did, he fell the hugged curled cock inside Roberts 501’s, he knew it was massive, still flaccid.Sit Mike. Mike sat into the chair as Amy stood and watched Robert first attaché his wrist cuffs to the chains on the chair. Then Robert grabbed the 14’ wide leather cinch and over Mikes mid body it went and he was firmly strapped into the chair. Unfortunately for.
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