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."After quickly looking over his shoulder to make sure the women were far enough away, Frank leaned over toward Jeff, "I'm telling you that you have no idea how horny weddings make her. I haven't the foggiest notion how many times we fucked last night, but I can tell you the one thing we didn't do much of, and that was sleep."Jeff looked hard at his friend, and in a normal voice. "You do look a little peaked this morning. But is eight-fifteen high noon?" he laughed."Well, around here it is.. It was one helluva wet dream. Boy, he'd had women go wild under him before, but nothing like Nora in the dream. She'd fought him like a marlin trying to shake a hook; the hook had been his prick, and he'd let her run, then reeled in, let her run again, and then finally brought her to gaff -- panting and gasping. A real prize trophy. Tremendous. Unbelievably tremendous!The dream had come tenuously. He remembered waking up next to Sue... only it really wasn't Sue, it was Nora. Oh, to hell with. She tries to cover herself up but Liam pulls her arms away from her chest. If you want to stop&hellip, No! Its ok. I want to do this. Liam smiles. Youre so beautiful. Liam cups Blairs perfectly shaped breast in his hand and takes it into his mouth. He softly nibbles on her nipple and she lets out a gasp. When Liam sees the expression on her face, he knows not to stop. He flicks his tongue across her nipple and she grabs the back of his head, pushing his closer to her chest. He takes her hard. For Doug she was just another obliging woman, he didn’t know what sort of lusting creature he had released. He did hope that she would ring or text but didn’t expect it to be mere hours after his first sexual encounter. “Doug!” the sensual voice called. “It is Iryna would you like to come to lunch tomorrow and you mentioned leaves for my silk worms, could you bring them as well”.“Thank you Iryna”, he replied. “I will be riding so I will have a shower and be at your place, say a bit after.
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