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The situation was so erotic but so embarressing."I... I, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise anyone was in here..." I managed to stutter out."It's ok, it's my fault." Sonia replied. I felt I should leave, but I couldn't move, the sight was too entrancing.I eventually snapped out of my stupor and began to move to leave."You don't have to..." Sonia trailed off.I turned around, smiling, looking at my feet. When I managed to look into her eyes, I could see the lust as she bit her lower lip. I locked the. I bounced on his cock, savouring every thrust of his hips to meet mine. He began to stroke my clit, exposed as his large cock opened my lips as it slid in and out of me. It was intense, a little too intense and rough for my usual taste, but I couldnt stop squeezing on his cock, circling my hips, not letting his cock move an inch out of my tight cunt. I could feel myself building up, almost over the edge. I told him not to stop and I slid my hips up and down, taking every inch of his cock as I. Middle aged, average weight. Not her type. He looked like he wanted to devour her. She had never seen him before in her life. So why was she now tied to a metal chair, naked, in what looked to be his basement?“Hi there, Nikki. You probably don't know me, do you? But I know you. I know you very, very well. I've been watching you, learning your schedule, from afar, just waiting for the chance to bring you home. You almost caught me once, when I took the key from under your door and went into your. I had been there almost two hours with a no show, and was about to get up when three colleagues walked in, all men in their late fifties. I had just got up and put my coat on when one of the called out to me and offered to buy me a drink, on top the two I had already consumed on my empty stomach. We all squeezed back into the small cubical and I began to wonder if the cock photo was one of these three guys. The booze I was consuming was making me woozy. ‘Have you eaten yet’, to which I replied.
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