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I have often wondered if she had any idea what would soon be her fate Somewhat surprised I was relieved that she had brought it up first. I contemplated the question, acting as if I was doubtful about it. "Yes but under one condition, You must do exactly what I ask. If you don't want to do something I ask then it stops right there and we don't go any further. You must follow all my instructions." I said. I had given this some thought though not considering everything involved. She sat there. As my slut you are going to be getting a lot of cock in all your holes. The better you learn to take it the easier it will be and before long you will be begging to be fucked by any black man that you see." Bull was slamming his cock in and out of my ass as hard as he could and finally I collapsed on the floor. He continued to drive it into me pushing me into the floor with each thrust. Tears were streaming from my eyes but no one cared."Take that cock whore. Your wimpy ass hubby is over there. Astoria gasped in shock and delight at the sensations coursing through her, sensations only amplified as a tongue probed at her. Draco had never done this! This was disgusting! It was wrong! It was so damn hot! She had never felt this wet in her entire life, fluid running down both trembling thighs as she rode her new lover's face, and distantly she became aware that the cries filling the room were hers. Faster and faster she bucked against him, only stilled by his strong hands when they. I fondled her velvet body and felt her. Anu became very hot. She took my cock and began to lick them, bite them and suck them. I lay with my mouth open enjoying every moment of what Anu was giving me pleasure. Soon I got up and softly held her and removed her nightie. Wow! What a figure. Great boobs beneath black bra and a sexy panty. I unbuttoned her bra and played with her boobs. My fingers were all over them. We kissed a lot and played with our tongues. Anu got very hot that she lowered her.
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