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As the copper began lecturing them on his ability to have them arrested on the spot, Wendy decided to throw caution to the wind and began to stand up. She walked the step or two over to the cop, taking his hand and placing it on her right breast. He began to protest, but only lightly, and sensing her opportunity she dropped her hand to his crotch, roughly stroking his slowly stirring cock. “I ‘spose I could let you off, considering,” he murmured softly as Wendy continued to massage his crotch.. Then again, Jim came to birthing class with meand he had to be shown how to hold the baby after it was born, so therewas no harm in starting early, was there? Jamie started to leave and Icalled after him to wait. He stopped and I brought him the accessories.He was using both hands to hold the doll, so I tucked the purse into hisright pants pocket and the comb, brush and mirror into his left one. Hehurried upstairs.I followed him to the stairs and called after him, "Jamie, remember,play with. When going upstairs I could see her nice and round buttocks going up and downI was so excited at that time. After reaching her flat she smiled and said “Thanks.” from that day onwards I used to stare at her and when she caught me staring at her she just used to smile. This was carried on for 1 month and one day we met by chance in the learn where her little son sonu was playing and we talked for hours and we became friends.One day I was alone in home due to fever and she saw me from her balcony. . I went from there to my home and started thinking about her. I wanted to fuck her very badly and i was erect and masturbated thinking about her. I wanted to see her again and again so taking chances i was going to their home frequently and talking to her and touching her hand and even sometimes helping her in work and seeing her when she is bending and getting her boobs to see..I started to help her in tailoring also like stitching buttons, ironing, etc.. Slowly slowly i started learning.
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