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Fearful that he might split me from pussy to asshole. His massive knob forced its way inside, feeling as if a log were entering my tiny asshole. "Ahhhhhhhhh" I moaned in painful delight. "MmmHmmmm" as his big fuck pole bored his way into my bowels rough and hard. Another was ravaging my pussy just as deep and just as rough as the one fucking me up my ass. I could feel them both penetrating deeply, and it was feeling so fucking good as they abused all my holes. Another captor straddled the huge. Bloody Royalists promised to join us in force, but they never showed. Grummon caught a musket ball in his knee when the Frogs chased us back to the beach. We had trouble getting back into the boats, but those sailors didn't leave one of us behind even when the Frogs brought up field pieces."Anson was aware of several such landings, more designed to worry the French than to create real bridgeheads. In each of them, some poor soldiers lost their life or limbs, seemingly for naught."A pity that,". . well, you have a grip like nobody else. As close to irresistible as exists here, I think. Once you've got them in your grip, you've always got a good blast from the suit to tame them if they're resisting."This was something else about the suit that had been less than obvious at first, but which came through with practice. It was also the reason the suit wasn't painted but was left as burnished metal. The fusion plant that drove it could generate an incredible electrical charge that could be. The vibrator shot out of her pussy,landing between her knees! Megan and I couldn't help it,We started laughing. I watched Mom lean over and without any warning,she grabbed the wire and pulled the vibrator out of Megan's ass! "Hay! What's that for?!" Megan whimpered."I'm making room for this,Sweetie!" Mommy laughed,then worked two of her fingers deep into her slippery pussy,pulled them out,and shoved them straight up into Megan's ass! "Mommy,Mommy,Mommy!" Megan yelled and grunted.I was on my.
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