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It was a long drive up from the city, and then you say that I can'tcamp here. I guess I lost my temper." The matter is settled," the woman said, "but it grows late. You had best beon your way." Tell me your name, first, okay." I am Ariadne. Now go." She made a gesture as if shoo-ing him out the door."Until later, Ariadne." He bowed and left.Carl found the turnoff onto the smaller road and followed it about two milesinto the woods. It ended at a clearing surrounded by a ring of oak trees,all at. The day was dragging by with out a single customer, probably due to the nasty weather. Roxy was growing more and more impatient waiting to use Bruno and decided to give herself a treat. So she took a little break, figuring that no body would come in the store anyway, she took Bruno and slipped into one of the 25 cent movie booths. She put a few dollars in quarters into the slot and sat back to enjoy a few moments alone with Bruno. She started watching a sex scene on the screen as she lifted. M. And, it didn’t look like dinner was on the agenda either. Dessert maybe, but dinner no. She was absolutely stunning.She was wearing the shortest of her summer dresses, and the sheerness of it created instant titanium in my underpants. I shucked my coat real quick. I came to her. I knew I didn’t smell too good after a day in the warehouse, but she’d brought this on herself, so she’d have to suffer me smelling bad.“Jesus! You’re beautiful,” I said.“Oh, well, thank you very much big boy. Gonna. Bending her body against Marks, running his hands over her back to her round ass. His hand slid between her legs making his fingers wet he runs them over her tight hole. Pushing one finger inside making her ready. Feeling how easy it is he pushes 2 fingers inside. Fucking her with his fingers faster. Then he grabs her hair, twisting it around his fist as he lowers himself over her. Grabbing hold of his cock he pushes the head inside her hole "ooh girl, you're tight" he growls. Feeling her relax.
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