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“Haven’t you ever stroked your cock?” he asked. I replied with a feeble no. He then grabbed my hand with his, squeezed it making my grip on his cock tighter, and began to pull it back and forth. He removed his hand from mine and I kept pumping it back and forth which seemed to cause his cock to get even bigger, and I noticed that the tip seemed tto be now turning red, almost angry looking. The boy was arching his shoulders back as though he was very happy and I was pleased to be making a. By the third bath, the water no longer looked like a soccer team had cum in it. Sarah finally relaxed and soaked away her ordeal. She still couldn't make sense of what had happened to her, but she resigned to the reality of her new situation. Beside, it wasn't all bad. She giggled a little to herself as she willed her cock to curl around and rub against her pussy. It was so huge, even when she willed it to be as small as possible, it was still the size of a well hung black man. And it was. He said he understood, and repeated his suggestion to start over. "Sometimes when I write a letter, I just start off on the wrong foot. Start over, baby. Just tell me what's going on in your head." Maybe he was right. Later after we'd washed up the dishes, I sat back down in front of the damned computer. I moved the mouse and the screensaver flickered away. The opening paragraph stared back at me from the screen. For about the twentieth time, I read it again. I've been a naughty girl and I. I want to see your pussy.? She was too frightened to respond. It was only when he put the tip of the knife to her breast that she was able to move. She started to comply, and he slid off her legs. He sat at her feet, watching her every move. She could feel it. Slowly, she spread her legs for him, letting him see all of her. There was a moment of silence, as he took in the sight of her body, tied and bruised, spread wide and vulnerable to him, and she watched his face contort with something.
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