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Along with our high lift aircraft, I would like for us to have a civilian strike force readily available that could go where our government's military or covert forces are prohibited by political considerations.To staff and organize this force I wish to receive and review resumes from interested Marines that have been drummed out of the corps because of alleged brutality or atrocities. A number of these cases were solely based on political expediencies and certainly had an adverse impact on the. "But since you're on the line already, I was calling to tell you that you were right. Some of those fucking miners are stealing from us." He paused. "Sorry sir, I'll watch the language." Max paced the room impatiently. "Anyhow, I caught one of them in action. I know how he's been getting away with it." Max stared intently at the image of a grizzled man holding a yellow plastic capsule, about the size of a thumbnail, in the palm of his hand."Yeah, after you pointed out that some of the miners. "I'm going to have to fix that problem of yours before you go into surgery.." He slipped off his doctors jacket and layed it on a oxygen tank. He then proceeded to undress at a slow pace. She started to weep thinking this isn't how she wanted to lose her virginity. The man stopped undressing and walked over to her and brushed the hair out of her face. "Shh..." He cooed her. "It's going to be okay." He said in a soft whisper. His voice was so soft and caring there.. She felt okay for that one. "I don't think so. I have no interest that I know of in men, but I'm wearing women's lingerie and I've been sucking a pretty girl's cock every chance I get." Would you want to get dressed completely in women's clothes?"I hadn't thought of that and said so. Then I added, "It would be interesting, I think." Um hmm. Why do you think Gina is dressing you like she is?" Good question. I think she wants me to be happy and she knows what made her happy. So she could be projecting her own preferences.
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