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I'd gone to the train station in Newton, Kansas, to pick up my mom — she was coming to stay with me for a few weeks for Christmas. The roads were bad and I was running late. A cold winter storm - this was almost the middle of December - had moved in. The temperature was hovering a few degrees above freezing and the rain had occasional flurries of sleet mixed in with it. Even with the four-wheel drive of my Range Rover I expected to find the roads treacherous.This may be a surprise to some but. Some thought it great, other thought me a freak. As I got older I could become more comfortable with my kink and would work it into spanking and other bedroom play. I would find most girls would be happy to have something like a thermometer in their bottom, all the fun of it being naughty without the idea that it could hurt like anal sex. By this time I was studying to become a vet so could happily get my hands on many things to play with and my box of toys got bigger and bigger. It was around. It was so smooth and tasted sweet. I played with his balls while I felt him get hard in my mouth. I licked down his shaft till I got to his balls then I took one in my mouth then the other. My wife said I'm not getting out of trouble test easy, then she grabbed my hips and lifted my ass up and put lube on my booty hole. He moved around back of me and fingered my ass while I was on all fours. He pushed his cock against my ass and it felt huge. Slowly and painfully he slide it in inch by inch. I. In the morning, I put on jeans and t-shirt which were found in the case,not bought by Dave. I loved the way the zip curved smoothly away betweenmy legs. I put my hair up into a high pony-tail to make me feel younger.After a delightful breakfast with my parents, I packed quickly and setoff home.Back on the road, driving my brother's car, I felt the contrast from howI had been before the Mum-hug. My whole attitude to life had changed. Inow knew my own car was much better than this. The more I.
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