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By that time we reached the junction, there was no auto. Suddenly a car passed by when we were on the road.To save her from hitting the car, I pulled her to me by her waist. When I pulled her closer to me, under the street light, I could see and think was how beautiful her eyes were. I loosened my grip and apologized. She said it was okay. And she suggested we walk as it is about 5 km from there.We started walking. We talked about different things. I didn’t even realize how fast time flew by,. I didn’t know whether to be thankful that we had come to rest unharmed, or to apologise to the woman. In the event, both were true, so I said sorry to her, as I think I had groped her breasts as my hands went out. She didn’t seem to mind, and just smiled. Half an hour went by, and the phone in the lift was used several times, but we eventually got the news that it would be an hour yet before the lift could be winched back to a floor to let us out. Sitting on the floor, we all chatted, and got. What mattered was the sense of urgency with which his body met hers, the longing gasps of his breath on her neck. Her eyes opened lazily, hoping that no-one else on the dance floor would see the intimate embrace she shared. This wasn't the man she arrived with. It was not the man she would leave with. This was a phantom of the past suddenly made flesh by circumstance; they both had so much to lose but for that brief spell, barely a lapse in the beat of the music playing at deafening volumes. I wrote my menu, I let my evil mucky mind free when I did so, carefully saving myself from too much pain. It was Ann and Sam then adding a couple of odd, what she termed, tiny tweaks then confis**ted it till the day, which had me worrying.When It appeared at breakfast that day It read; Start 0900, Saturday finish by 4 pm the day to include the insects, [Ann`s influence here] suspension for a period, being taken by Sam [this had only happened once before, and I was curious to see if my.
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