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I ended up eating my wife out and making her cum so hard she was screaming so loud I knew other people could hear her. So I pulled our new toy out and started sliding it in and out of her pussy and she was getting louder so I put my cock in her mouth to quit her. I then started to lick her sweet little ass then stick her new toy in her ass and fuck her good with it. She ended up squirting on my face and in my mouth, than I ended up Cumming in her mouth. We then passed out in bed I woke up to. They would eventually just slip off.On the seat in a crumpled mess was her summer dress. Matts clothes lay in a heap on the floor now pushed under their seats.From behind it looked sexy. His firm tight tanned ass thrust repeatedly into little Celina. He was a monster in size compared to her. Each thrust lifted Celina up and pressed her harder against the glass. He held her by the waist.His firm muscular back and arms rippled as he fucked the shit out of her little body.This got me excited.. Shawna: In the middle of the night when she woke up, she got up and went to Daddys bedroom to talk about what had happened. He was lying naked, uncovered on the bed. His penis (cock?) was sticking up away from his body. She stood there watching for a while until it got soft. She wanted to get into bed with him and press against him, but went back to her cold bed. The next morning, her focus was still stubbornly centered between her legs as it had been all night, on her pussy, her cunt. Those. We kissed and this time it was her who bit and chewed. She was hot and I was close. ‘Do you like the taste of cum?’ I panted, sweat dripping off my forehead onto her splotched chest.‘Uh, not really,’ she panted back, not realising what I was about to do.‘Well. I understand it’s an acquired taste,’ I grunted suddenly pulling out of her butt and crouching by her face. I grabbed her hair and pushed my greasy shit streaked tool against those bruised lips. Her eyes flew wide but I jagged forward and.
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