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Max watched as he walked toward him. He was watching that sweaty, smooth, and tan body of Captain Morse walk toward him. Every muscle flexed in his toned body, his abs mainly. Max never really noticed his chest and abs, but he certainly did now. “So why are you training so much?” Tyler would turn up at him sternly. And max would correct himself “I mean why are you training so much, sir, if you don’t mind me asking, sir.” “Well if you must know, cadet, I always work out like this” he was a. It must had been a good 6-7 inches, and completely hard. She asked me if I was mad for not telling me. I didn’t have a response, I stood up quickly and took a few steps away from her and turned my back to her. I was furious, but at the same time I didn’t feel any less attracted. I turned back to her and she was still in the same spot, I could tell she was losing her hard on, probably because she thought I was going to leave. I looked her in the eyes and I was still equally attracted to her, if. They taught us to operate it, and how to maintain it. I mean all the way up to depot level maintenance. Again, not everyone who started graduated. Those who did were issued one of the radios. There were twelve of us in my class who graduated, and we were all headed for Southeast Asia.“I’m pretty sure there were other classes there, too, as we would see other guys who weren’t in our class, but we never got to talk to them. That place really took ‘Top Secret’ to heart,” I finished.“Yes, I can. I parked as close to the front door of the pool hall as I could. When I thought nobody was watching me I got out and walked in the pool hall. Once inside I slowly and deliberately walked over to the table closest to the back of the room. All the while I made sure that everybody could see my bubble butt sway. Then once at the desired table I was to slowly bend over while reaching for a ball or a stick so that everyone could get a good look. Only problem was that by the time I reached the table i.
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