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’ Jakob and Alex both dove for the small arm chair in the centre of the room that had the remote on it. Jakob landed first but Alex got the remote before she landed in his lap, Alex poked her tongue at Jacob before adjusting the volume on the stereo. Jakob raised his eyebrow at his sister, “Are you going to get off my lap?” “I haven’t seen you for two years, I think I’ll stay,” Alex said with a cheeky smile. Jakob closed his eyes and tried to suppress the hard on but with his sister in his lap. What about his cock size I said. She said yours is rather thin and short, I'd like to feel a long thick cock stretching my pussy. I told her that listening to her talk like that is giving me a hard on. She said well we are alone on our deck so take off your shorts and under wear. I did as she asked and my hard five inch pecker popped out and stood straight out from my body. She giggled and said you wasn't k**ding , I can see your heart beating in it. I looked down and it was in fact throbbing. Natalie groaned wildly and spanked Mia’s ass, hard. Mia gasped, then slid two fingers into her pussy. Natalie popped off of Mia’s breast gasping for breath and opened her legs wider. The fingers in her pussy slid in deeper, seeking, and her eyes rolled back when Mia found her g-spot. Those fingertips started a ‘come hither’ motion on that spongy area, making Natalie thrash her hips, but Mia sat on her thigh, pinning her in place.“Hold those fingers still and let me fuck your hand baby,” Natalie. Koel : as we are moving to your next stage of your training so we both had made a set of new rules .Saying this, she gave me a piece of paper which says:A) from today you will do all the house hold work.B) every morning when you wake up you will have to kiss my feet and any other guest’s who comes.C) you will undergo laser hair removal to remove all your body hair.D) you will also have to take female hormones and do breast implant surgery.E) your small dick will remain in the cage as before.F).
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