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" I was thinking about his fingers touching me."What would you do if he tried to touch you?"It was like I had been hit between the eyes."What do you mean?" You know, touching you. Your legs, tits, something like that."I managed a nervous little laugh."Well, for one, he wouldn't want to. Not with a wife that looks like Marla. And no, I wouldn't let him." Well, I just wondered how you might react to him feeling you up a little."I know the timing was very strange, but then I realized he was trying. She shook her head no and said he’d be disgusted at what a whore she was. Denzel laughed and said your just getting started. When the guy in her pussy was done he and the guy in her ass pulled out. Denzel laid on the bed and had her sit on his massive cock while she was looking at his feet. She worked her way down on to his massive cock and was fuller than she had ever been. She rocked back and forth to accomodate him. He sat up a bit behind her then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down to. I looked at his face, and he quickly took his eyes from me and grabbed a book from his rack. I grinned inside. I pretended to be deeply interested in the one in my hands, but I was really looking at him. I caught him stealing looks at me. I think HE caught ME, because he got a smirk on his face, and picked up a bi-guy's magazine, holding it in a way that I could see the whole cover. I was really turned on by this time; almost more than I care to admit. So turned on that I decided to go into a. She undid the rest of her top and let it fly open then she put her hands on her legs and pulled her skirt up. She had on see through panties on and her perfect pussy lips could be seen without any problem. Jimmy had pulled his cock out and was jacking off while watching is mother tease him. Wouldn't you like to play with his honey, she said as she slid her finger along her panty covered slit. God honey, I need it rite now. Why arn't you here, she said. Debbie reached between the mattress and.
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