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A surge of anger joined the embarrassment. Was it really so ridiculous, the idea of kissing her? Yes, it probably is. ‘I’ve got to go,’ she muttered miserably and gathered her things. Michael stood in front of the door with his arms crossed, blocking it. He was staring at her, again. It always made her nervous when he did that, as if he might figure out what she was thinking. ‘Excuse me,’ she said, as neutrally as she could. Silently, he stepped aside. ‘See you later?’ ‘Sure.’ She hoped it. It felt odd knowing that As I was getting ready, Anirban called me.Anirban : “Ready?”Me : “Yes”Anirban : “Good. Wear the dress, the wig, and wear lipstick, and come here in 30 mins”. He disconnected the call immediately.I kept thinking what he meant by wearing them and come in 30 mins? Does he want me to wear them, and then go to his place? I thought it impossible to do so, and went ahead wearing tshirt,jeans, and took the girly ingredients in a bag.On the way I bought a red lipstick, and put. As I walked out to sit on the front porch, a car stopped in front of Gloria's house, and she got out of the back seat. I could hear the chatter of women in the car, and assumed it had been a ladies night out. As I sat and watched the event, I saw that Gloria was dressed very formally in a black strapless calf-length evening dress, dark hosiery, and very high black heels. She bid her friends goodnight, and turned to walk up to her door. "Well, hello stranger," she called out merrily. I returned. I poured the contents of the plate over her naked body and licked them like a dog. I spread them over her naked breasts and she did the same on my body and we licked each other lovingly, eating away all the food. The kitchen was in a mess but we didn’t bother. She took out a bottle of ghee and applied on my chest and dick and I did the same on her breasts and we licked the ghee from each other’s bodies. I laid her down on the kitchen floor and raised her healthy arms over her head and applied.
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