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I reached up and scratched her little throat. Her tail fluffed up and coiled under my chin, another sign of affection. I reached out and took Ginny's hand, and the three of us followed Sheb, Mom and Dad towards the house.The house was large and white, and had a high covered porch that looked out past the Red Oak, and as I looked around, a twin Red Oak on the other side of the driveway. You could see a little glimmer of water beyond in the distance to the right and behind the house.Three people. Are you wet, Ari?"The fascinated blonde nodded her head, moving her hand across to touch Christi's other nipple."Would you like to see how wet I am?" Christi asked and stood.Arilee's hand slid down Christi's body as the Duchess stood, and came to rest on her mound when Christi was fully upright. Christi's legs parted, and Ari could feel the other woman quiver under her hand. Moving her fingers downward, she touched Christi's nether lips and shivered as well. Christi's folds felt much like her. It was white and pink in colour, clean shaved. I was aroused as hell. She kept begging me to enter her.I slowly entered, first single and then two fingers inside her pussy. She let out a huge moan!!Then I started sucking her clitoris. Within 2 minutes of sucking, she came all over me. The Taste of her pussy was delicious. She said she felt as if she was on cloud 9.She kept begging me to enter her and satisfy her as she hadn’t had sex for quite a long time. I obliged and entered my 6.5 inch dick. "Can I ask you something and you won't tell anybody?" she asked looking up at my face. I glanced down at those big brown eyes."You know you can," I told her."I mean anybody. Especially the other girls." Whatever you ask me or say between us, stays between us," I assured her.She thought about it as we drove several more blocks, then finally decided that she could trust me. "I didn't get some of the jokes," she admitted.I misunderstood and told her, "That's okay. I didn't like all of them myself..
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