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Instead she rolled her eyes and went to check out the ovens. Why did she hire Mona's cast-off again? Oh yes, he was cheap, could chop vegetables like a Cuisinart, actually not that bad with the desserts, and malleable. Most definitely he was easy to control and it was kind of fun watching the chimp tremble. “Okay lads,” she said, “We have a special guest tonight. An investor. Let's give him our best.” A swell of anticipation filled Teaghan. It had been months since she last saw Andres. He had. “You dope! You know what I meant! And if you’re concerned, you could help me wash it! I’m sure you wouldn’t mind!”“You know, my mom predicted this,” I said.“That you would help me wash there?” Becky giggled.“NO! When I told her I planned to sleep on the sofa bed she reminded me that’s not what happened last time.”“So she’s OK with us sleeping together in your bed?”“I think the best way to put it is that she won’t object.”“And your dad?”“Will tolerate it, but he’ll ask me questions to make sure. ”Laughing, John replied, “At least it wasn’t wasted.”“So what are you doing here?” asked the Sheriff wondering if the whole Plutonian Circus was going to show up this time.“Just came by to say hello and let you know that Ed and I will be here for a couple of days,” replied John.Winking at the Sheriff, Ed added, “He just came by to harass you is more like it.”“I’d believe that. So are you staying over at the Sporting Goods Store?”Shaking his head, John said, “I’m spending a couple of days at Doc. We got to the second house and I realized there were 2 boxes for this house. I said let me try it alone. I walked to the house with the first box and as I was putting it down a young man came to the porch saying what is this for. I told him to take it in and I had another one in the van. I walked back, thinking he was carrying the first one in, but he had given it to another brother and he was right behind me as I opened the door. I reached in to get the box and as I turned around he was there.
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