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We emerged from the toilets giggling like the girls we were, to be met by the two boys standing outside the gent's toilets.'You girls fancy a shagging', one asked, and we both burst into a fit of laughter.'I don't know', Julie replied looking at me, 'You fancy a shagging Emma', she posed the question to me, as I looked at both boys.'Which of you want me and want her', I asked, suddenly I was enjoying the freedom sex offered, 'I'll fuck you', said one, and the other looked at Julie, 'and I'll. ..her lips. When their lips met, it was electric! Their passion escalated the longer they kissed. Their tongues intertwined in a passionate love, like they were long lost lovers meeting again. Mike opened Sara’s robe and gasped. She was so beautiful! Sara stood up in front of Mike and took her robe all the way off. “Like my lingerie?” She asked, “I got special for tonight.” “It’s beautiful, but the girl wearing it is more beautiful than any stitch of clothing.” He replied. Sarah then took. I wasn’t really aware either, when I felt the first pass of the razor run down my cheek. Before I realised it, you had removed the beard from the entire right side of my face. “What are you doing? My beard, you can’t be … no, please not my beard!” “Sshh, it’s all right.” You murmured, and you gently ran your fingers over the exposed skin. It was unbelievably sensitive, after all I had been wearing my beard for almost twenty years. “You’re not really doing this, tell me you’re not? This is. The cottage’s thatch roof looks serviceable from what he can make out in the rising moon, his eyes better than most a’night. He peers through the cottage window, where a cheery fire could be seen blazing in a snug parlour within. Having heard his coach’s return, the lady of the house has opened the front door, standing straight, tall and slim, framed dark and featureless with the light behind her in her doorway, surrounded by climbing roses in full late summer bloom. Well, he thinks, here’s a.
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