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It's not like I slaved over a hot stove all day. That's a broiled fish filet and vegetable and some simple pilaf. Don't you like us sitting here in our house sharing a quiet meal sometimes?" Yes, I do, dearest," I said. "But I didn't marry you so you'd keep house for me."The corners of those blue eyes collected tiny lines as she smiled. "Oh, I know ALL the reasons you married me, buddy. Thought I'd toss this in as a perk."—"Okay, princess," I said. "I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you.". You are forgetting the ‘maid’s room’ off the kitchen. It hasn’t been used for years, and is empty and waiting. That is the room I was given when I moved into the house, initially.” That comment caused them a pause, but I continued before they could pursue it further. “Also, you all will spend your free time in the house, on the patio, in the pool, or anywhere else on the estate you want. It is all yours to use. If you want to be quiet to read or listen to music, there are plenty of rooms in the. “It sounds kind of like a lie.”Jim chuckled; he hadn’t thought of it quite like that.“Well, Paul, I guess it sort of is a lie. But we want it to be true. So, we keep saying it, sometimes because we want to convince ourselves that it’s true, that it’s already true. But there’s another reason: we want to MAKE it true. We keep saying things like ‘liberty and justice for all’ and ‘equal justice under law’ so we don’t forget what we’re trying to get to. Am, am I making any sense?”“I ... guess.” Paul. I awoke suddenly and it was still dark outside. I looked down to see that Heather had backed into me, snuggled up in my arms. We were quite warm from the fire and she felt really good in my arms. Too good. Her soft, warm body made my manhood uncontrollably twitch. I noticed that I had a hand dangerously close to her young breasts.I shifted slightly and she stirred. My throbbing cock was now firmly pressed against her soft ass. In a few beating moments she turned to me and smiled."Mmmm," she.
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