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I watch her walk in with her friend who looks equally as stunning. They glide easily across the floor to the bar. My eyes drift back to my drink. Well the past is the past I can always go for another shot. Or maybe just another shot of whatever I’m drinking. No can’t think like that. But she’s sitting so close now. What can I say? Why am I shaking? Must control myself. Breath. “Sir? Hello?” Someone’s trying to talk to me. I look to the left and there’s the girl. I quickly let. I replied in affirmative. He gave me a choice whether I wanted rough or nice. I replied that I will do whatever he wanted.Within a minute he offloaded my clothes. Then he fell on the bed and pulled me too. He removed his bathrobe beneath which he was naked. He asked me to spread my legs. Then with force he inserted his erect penis inside me. I felt a lot of pain. He kept on pushing and I gripped him tight.In 4 5 minutes he shot his sperm inside me. I realised that I could become pregnant. After. " There was a long pause while Bob got his wife, Laura, and explained the situation to her. She was frantic when she took the phone."Josh ... be careful," she begged. "Don't do anything stupid tonight." I will be careful, I promise," Josh answered. "We're back to safety in a few minutes tonight, if we find a boat. We will come back here if there are too many Chinese down by the river. We can hike out to the country, grab a car somewhere and drive up into the mountains if we can't get across the. I left Tony and Suzie and went to look for my husband, who I found alone on a couch. I sat down beside him and he pulled me against himself. I reached for his cock, but got no response.“Sorry, Jenny. I'm afraid that it will be some time before I can get it up again, even for you. Are you OK?”“I feel great. Are you OK?”“Yeah. I feel great too.”Moments later we were both asleep.I woke up next morning and smelt bacon and coffee. Jim was still asleep beside me. I desperately needed a pee, so headed.
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