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Lauren could smell it then. It smelled like ass. Her own raw ass. She almost panicked and tried to push him off, but held back, unwilling to spoil the moment. It felt like it smelled. Raw, dirty. And wonderful.Lauren found herself incredibly horny just then, her need powerful, like the smells coming from their sodomy. She slid a hand between them, found her clit, and in seconds, exploded in a powerful orgasm, her anus clenching and forcing out her brother’s half-hard penis.Cum sputtered out and. She emptied the entire thing into Sharkey's face. She was coughing from the mist that got back to her, her eyes watered as she kept on. Mark decided that the two women in his life were lethal, instead of just one."Mom. The man is down. Let it go. You're punishing yourself more than you are he. His eyes watered and it became hard to breath. Melissa had the same problem. Mark led her out and called to his mother, "You beat him. Come away while you can still breathe."She turned and Mark saw her. Licking up and down, teasing your pink getting closer and closer to your clit each time. You moan and whine and whimper wiggling wildly. Pulling at your restraints, desperately needing release. My tongue continues to tease, circling your clit slowly with my tongue. Gently flicking and fluttering my tongue over it as I start to suck it between my lips. My fingers tugging more firmly at your nipples now as I bring you soooooo close to orgasm but stop just in time, pausing, looking you in the. So we didn’t have the usual relationship that most fathers and daughters had. Ours was special. Any way as ran down the stairs to my Father’s study, I could feel myself getting, the tingling in my pussy making me stop at the bottom of the stairs and run my fingers across my pussy lips. No time to play with myself, I thought, as I opened the door and went into his study. I went over to his overstuffed “guest” chair and sat, watching him peer intently at the screen as his.
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