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She described to Harry how her sexual awakening was fated; he always smiled in response. Only there was no such a thing as fate for Laura – he controlled it as much as he controlled her.Chapter Thirty-Six demanded a persona of the highest deviancy imaginable – the perfect whore. A whore willing to do anything, with anyone, and Harry used every opportunity to hone Laura’s abilities. Each liaison with Laura peeled away another layer of her fantasies. She revealed the shining jewel of her. He racked his brains trying to think back to all the random chats they’ve had over the years for clues as to what might be fun to do. He wasn’t used to hosting guests at all, let alone an intriguing female he’s never met (but felt like he knew so well). He could not screw this up. He settled on hiking AND camping. He wasn’t sure she would go for it, but went about assembling the necessary equipment and supplies anyway. Preparing for the 3 hour drive to pick up Sam at the airport… he found. However the crave of cock started already when I was young. When I was drawing dicks on a paper thinking to myself that is looks so marvelous, so big.. so tasty. I would spend nights jerking of thinking of cocks and taste my precum. And each time I saw a porn-movie I wish I was the girl, sucking those big dicks, and with time my mind had become girlish. And I could feel the butterflies in my belly just waiting to feel a big dick smash against them from the backdoor, becoming a giggling little. Dude would be @ work or where ever and shoot me an email on his phone that he was horny and needed to see a vid of me doing what I do...he would let me know the type of shit he's gonna do wit me when it's his turn...that type of shit I love!!! So this past weekend (NYC's Pride) dude hit me up on YIM and was like he's in town staying wit fam in BK...so I told him to cum thru but he wasn't so familiar wit the train thing and strangely enuff I was driving that weekend, so I told dude that I'd cum.
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