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Gilbert -- my, my, what a coincidence.The particular operation Amelia/Amalya pulled me into involved stealing computer chip secrets. For something as mundane as industrial espionage she had to swap bodies with me? Well, it wasn't quite that simple.You see, a certain engineering v.p. from Positron Semiconductor just happened to have in his possession the plans and specs for a newly-developed ultra-fast 16-bit microprocessor chip. Yeah, I know, I know, nowadays a 16-bit CPU is old hat, laughable. I really need you. It is the kind of job I am sure you will accept." (I guess he meant it didn't involve thievery or assassination.) "Please meet me as soon as you can. You know where."I was glad I had emptied those bottles. "You know where" could only mean one place. Oh well, might as well do this right."Barkeep!" I shouted. Unnecessary, as I was his only customer this late."I think you should give yourself a rest," the barkeep said. "You know the resurrection spells aren't working as well as. It’s about love, attention, health care, etc. Especially health care, given the risks and ailments of old age and such. Not to belittle you, Jacob, just being practical,” Marilyn reassured her elderly boyfriend.“And sleeping arrangements?” Thomas wondered now.“Whatever we all agree to at any given moment, according to whatever needs we might have. They don’t have to be consistent or permanent, do they?” Marilyn continued her pitch for the communal living proposition.“I’m okay with it, then,”. ”Gwen followed her inside, watching her move, to Rachelle’s bedroom and to the closet, where the dress was handed to her wrapped in suffocating plastic. “How was the guy you left the party with?” Gwen asked as she sat down on the bed, Rachelle on the beanbag chair across the room.“He never made it,” Rachelle laughed quietly, “his car broke down half way here and I called a cab.”“That’s too bad, I thought you two were cute together.”“I didn’t. He kept calling and apologizing, but I really wasn’t.
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