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He thoughtit made him different from the people he hated so much.He knew they weren't going to get anybody to buy them alcohol, and he knewthat he wasn't going to be starting any fights. He never did, even thoughhe talked about it a lot. It just felt good to let out some energy andtalk some shit."Bro Chill," Matt told him, playing it cool. "If that store's as cool as Ithink it might be, they might just have your video."Jason hadn't thought of that. "Yeah! That would be awesome!" he said,doing a. Underneath I had on a white bra with lace trim and a red g-sting I know they done match please dont judge me.Just as I finished getting ready the door bell rang I rushed down staires to let kate in. After the normal hugs we opened a bottle of wine and sat ourselfs down and started chatting.I noticed Kate was wearing a pretty summer dress just below the knee with buttons all the way up the front and what I thought wear tights. She looked very sexy with the dress hugging her large boobs and her. The guy licking my pussy then put his tongue inside my pussy lips. The mere act made me very weak in my knees.I felt like wobbling down onto the floor. But they held me tight. I couldn’t understand my feelings then. I was not supposed to enjoy all that, I was not supposed to give myself to all those guys, but, I was getting so wet in my pussy. Suddenly, I felt a hand parting my ass from behind. One of the guys have gone down on his knees and parted my ass cheeks and run his tongue over my ass. Really since it was three stories and a basement it was much larger.After my bath I dressed in the clothes that Dax had lain out. I walked into a room which appeared to be a Reception Hall. There was a large table facing the doorway with an Ornate chair in the center. I heard Tiiup in my mind explaining this was where I held court. I turned back around and the room was beginning to fill up.Dax was leading me to the Large Chair, Tiiup giggled , “Time to hold court...” For the next hour I settled.
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