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She put two fingers in Patty's tight pussy and captured some of her juices. She passed her wet fingers to Yolanda who eagerly licked them."Oh, God, I have to have some of that," Fahizah moaned. "Let's switch," she said. They alternated servicing Patty's pussy until their jaws were fatigued. Afterwards, Patty laid there limp and whimpering.Patty was still locked in the closet for many weeks after this, and she was subjected to many humiliations such as no privacy in the bathroom and recording. Typical lads she said, you’ve missed the edges of the carpet and under the furniture … and look at the dust behind the TV. Sorry Mrs Simpson cleaning’s not really our thing I mumbled. I can see that she replied and proceeds to get the hoover and duster out from under the stairs. Now you sit there and watch … I’ll show you how it’s done she said. She started with the back of the TV and as she leaned forward I got a fabulous view of her stocking tops and big white knickers. Her bum was to die for. ’ ‘How…? I thought….’ Although elated, Chloe seemed anchored where she stood, stunned and unable to move toward her lover. ‘A seat opened on an earlier flight,’ he explained as he took off his sneakers and socks. ‘I got here an hour ago and have been searching rather frantically for you ever since. I suppose I should’ve looked first for a naked nymph in the surf.’ His t-shirt came off in one smooth move and fell atop his shoes. Chloe drank the sight of his bare chest. Shorts and boxers. "Baby, I am not criticizing him – far from it. I love him just as much as you do. I'm just saying he won't give up until he's accomplished whatever it is that he's trying to do. But I don't have to like it. I worry about him. I had much rather have him in his lab working on his next invention than sitting out there in the cold pushing piles of snow around."Diana squeezed her daughter's hand. "You need to go back out there and be with him."But Arlene was shaking her head as she looked at her.
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