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In my place, this is your cunt, not your vagina," and he roughly stroked her pussy."This is my cock not my penis. Stroke my cock please Francis. She opened his fly and removed his penis from his boxers. He rapidly became hard in her hands."And we do not make love, we do not bonk. We fuck." Now Frances, take my clothes off me "Eagerly she took off his clothes. She loved the sight of his lean muscled body. Her hands lingered over over his biceps and pecs. Not a trace of fat over his six. You’re not seeing anyone, right?” “Of course not.” She nodded, “Good,” and left. An hour later I had washed up, stowed the dry goods, and clocked out. I went to her office and she said, “Ah, good to see you. The inspection this morning was a rousing success, so I have a small bonus for you.” “Oh? The work was its own reward.” “Yes, but I like to reward special diligence in my best employees. Builds morale.” She handed over the folder with her pictures and said more quietly, “One of my old. Is it time for a chat? Let me put some coffee on and we’ll have a powwow.”He handed me the coffee pot and told me to run down to the men’s room and fill it while he got the coffee grounds in the basket. I was there and back with the full pot as he was sliding the basket into the Mr. Coffee. He sat at his desk and waved toward the chairs in front of his desk.I handed him the completed work and tests from the end of chapters for his second semester course, and then said, “I’m going to finish all. Remember, I’m spoiling myself as well.” You smile again. That smile will win me every time. “Are you sure?” I nod. “Let me look around.” Again, I watch. No longer are you looking at plain, button to the neck night gowns. You browse through those items that could only be described as sexy, frilly, even ‘naughty’, of every colour of the rainbow, everything that would be a delight to see you wear. I watch your face. You smile as you begin to feel more comfortable.
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