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"Yeah, let's go," You said in an excited tone. "OK, from here on out, I won't be able to communicate with you, so enjoy yourself in the cosmos, Lucien," Dr. Kay said as she flipped a few switches then you hear a clunk indicating the clamps holding your ship have been taken off. "Ship, take off to orbit," Dr. Kay ordered. The ship started revving up then took off and headed out until you could see a black void with white dots in front of you.You then get up and decided to take a look around the. She wasn’t fat as much as thick-- thick and gorgeous—I thought. I regularly imagined it was her under me as I fucked various lovers (see my other stories). Never wanting to breach the level of trust my wife and stepdaughter placed in me. I never touched her or did anything inappropriate with her.Now she was 20 and a third year in college doing honors work. I had met a couple of boys she had been with and they were nice and respectful. Leslie had learned that bigger girls have no problem getting. She even said that she was proud that I was so well-endowed and that I should proudly show my equipment for the pleasure of others. That's my mom.Then, one Saturday night, I was the opener and had done my set when the manager came backstage to give me a note."Here's something from an admirer, Rod, I think you'll want to pay attention to this one, my friend, pretty classy," he said.I opened the envelope and inside were five one hundred dollar bills and a telephone number. Underneath it was the. She had moved her body around in front of me so that while bent down her arse was facing me, her legs slightly spread as if offering herself to me. The poor girl must have been desperate to be touched after all the pleasure she had received from pleasing me.As she naughtily lapped at the mess on the floor I slapped her arse hard, hoping to leave a mark. She yelped in pain but didn’t stop the clean-up task she had been ordered to complete. With both hands I yanked her shorts down in one quick.
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