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Who is she?" Brad said to me."Gloria Harr, Junior, just moved here from California," I said as I scanned. "So far she hates it here, and she only digs guys who skateboard." Shit. I knew I should have kept that skateboard," Brad muttered. "I guess I'll just have to buy a new one."As we watched her walk by, neither of us noticed another girl approaching and taking as strong an interest in Brad as we had in Gloria."Hi, Brad," a meek voice said, the pair of us barely even hearing it."Huh? Oh, hi,. Once fully naked on his bed, Brandon relaxed back into the pile of pillows and spread his legs wide. His heavy balls, covered in dark fur, hung low, covering the brown-eye of his anus, while his cock twitched above. My mouth was watering as I returned to sucking and slurping, quite noisily in fact, on my new lover's manhood.After I had spent a few moments enjoying his scrotum with my lips and tongue, Brandon said, "Why don't you get those jeans off, David?" I sat up and quickly went at my belt.. It's probably alreadyimpossible for any of us to make a reactive punch or kick. It's only amatter of time before we can't make a fist, period. Even though we knowit's happening, there's nothing we can do to stop it." No-one controls me in that way," snorted Roxy."I guess we'll see."We waited for the rest of the girls. We knew when they were coming thanksto their entrance being heralded each and every time by the sound ofclicking heels. Every one of them looked appropriately disgusted. But ... she didn't weaken and I would be on my own once more. Thank God I still had the children with me. They would be grown and gone far too soon. I wanted to have them close by for as long as possible.I handed in my notice to Sam Winters before I left on my next trip. He accepted it with little comment other than I wasn't giving him much notice at two weeks. I suggested he think about hiring back some of the drivers he'd already fired, but I got a rapid no from him in response. Oh well, his.
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