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Her face and cheeks turned redder still. She slid her hand lower on my cock, bending and flexing her fingers, not feeling me up, but finding herself a comfortable grip around my shaft. Eventually her hand stopped with my shaft enclosed between her thumb and fingers. I could feel her hand and whole body were shaking slightly as she gripped me loosely. "Are you ok with this?" I asked, sensing her apprehension. She just nodded. “It’s really warm,” she said quietly, with another nervous smile,. #2 announced that it was time for us to clean up and there were robes in our room. #3 and I held hands as we hurried to our room. She turned on the shower for the water to heat. As it did, my wife pulled me to her and kissed me with such passion.“Quickie fuck, if you’re up to it, sexy lover boy,” She murmured and my cock, slippery with mine, and #2’s cum. Her kisses interrupted my response but not our bodies.“Fuck me like you did #2, now,” #3 taking charge with the commands.We fell on the bed. “I’m sure you know how this goes by now.” He shut the door behind us, his eyes never leaving me. I stood there unsure of what was about to happen, I didn’t want to make the first move. “Well.” He looked at me expectantly, motioning to a doorway with nothing but a single wooden chair behind it. I knew what was going to happen in that room and I could feel a sexual excitement building as each step took me closer and closer to the chair. I took a seat, closed my eyes and put my arms behind the. Can you see me from behind? Can you see my pussy lips glistening with anticipation? You naughty boy…. you love knowing his huge cock will be in there soon. You love knowing that soon I will be dripping with his seed. Mmmm... but before you see that my love you’re going to watch me suck this huge tool. I take it in my hand and lift it. Fuck… it’s sooo fucking heavy. I look up at my new friend. Shall I tell him how much I love his cock? Shall I tell him how heavy it is and how having my fingers.
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