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In the days when robots were still being built one at a time by hand, no expense was spared in her construction. The smallest details were attended to with exquisite perfection. And not just her body. She had the best mind, best software, and best human teachers afterwards to help her reach her fullest potential.Money can buy a lot, and in this case it got its full value. Robot brains initially were hand-grown crystalline structured devices. There was as much art as science to the process. They. Some good. Some bad.“Jesus!” Maria screeches.Rex just looks over at me, laughing, and guides the wheel back and forth, zigzagging in and out of the dotted white line.“You dense motherfucker! There’s someone in the middle of the road!”Rex’s laugher is cut off with a strangled grunt of surprise, head swinging forward. The van’s brakes are banshee shrieks of burning rubber, tires skidding over hot Nevada concrete. The Tradesman jerks as the trailer fishtails behind us, threatening to throw us into. The item she was giving the most consideration to was the wall between the upstairs bathroom and the kid's bedroom. The kids at one time had done a number on the wall with crayons and finger paint. She had scrubbed and scrubbed the wall, but had never gotten it totally clean so it was going to have to be painted. Her bedroom door was just opposite the wall and if she had Billy paint the wall she could be in the bedroom with the door opened just a crack and give Billy a show. The wall would need. Finally my pulse slowed and my body started to return to normal. I opened my eyes to see Emma smiling down at me. Her lips still glossy from my eruption. I held out my hands to her as she glided into my embrace. I took her face in my hands and licked my cum from her lips before kissing her first softly then deeply"That was.... my God Em…that was mind blowing."She looked lovingly at me and said, "I'm so glad, I really wanted our first time to be special. But we aren't finished yet.".
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