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"I don't know," Rochelle responded. "Force of habit, I guess. Less messy. More pleasurable for them." Their pleasure not matter," Mai Lin scolded. "This is timed contest. Take too long to finish man in your mouth. As soon as referee sees cum, he signal for you. He not see cum, he not signal. Okay?"Rochelle nodded.Mai Lin directed the standing man to his seat, and tapped the next man on the shoulder. He rose to his feet, and Rochelle crawled in front of him. On Mai Lin's signal, she put his cock. "Do you think you could fuck her?" Yes probably but I'd need some more drinks" I'd love to see that Dave" she grinned as we pulled ourselves out,"Well don't hold your breath" I laughed.Once in the house we began drinking in earnest and Gina suggested playing spin the bottle,"If it points at you, you have to do whatever the previous player says, everyone agree?"A chorus of approval followed her words so she span a bottle and it pointed at Toni, Linda leaned over and whispered something to Gina. And some of it sounded too real to be made up. Once you get a chance to talk with her, I think you’ll see what I mean.’ ‘OK,’ Sonny said, ‘you been at this even longer than I have. If you think she’s reliable, I’ll take your word for it. How do you figure to handle this? I mean, if this Lewis guy is doing all this shit, he sure as hell ain’t gonna admit it to us.’ ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ Martin said, ‘if we give him a chance, he just might.’ ‘What do you mean?’ Sonny asked. ‘I have an idea,’ Martin. Now i went to the bathroom and changed into my boxers shorts, i slept shirtless. Bob kept staring at me, i got on the bed and laid down. Bob also started to unbutton his shirt, he unzipped his pants and stripped down to his white underwear. I was also staring at his body, it was the first time i saw him like this. He got on the bed and slept.I woke up in the morning earlier than Bob, He was still sleeping. I saw a tent in his blanket, it made me curious, i slowly removed the blanket not to wake.
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