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I would like it if you can. And a new trek movie is on sky at nine. Any time after 5 is fine by me. Don't forget to use the front door and bring all your clothes and stuff. You can keep them here if you wish. Love, Lynn XX"Too bloody right I will!" He muttered to himself as he lay on his bed reading though his days work, smoking a large joint with glee. Not much later Bob stuck his head round the door asking, "Commin' t' pub youth? Beer call in t' Wagon fer t' 'appy 'our is four!" No thanks. We agreed to have dinner at her place after some small talk. I went with one intention. It was quite obvious in my attire. I showed up in black pants and a black tank top with a bottle of Jameson. Her place was decorated in a retro chic Austin Powers type of way. It was quite flattering. She had a white piano as well. She smoked way too many cigarettes and her place smelled like she was in denial of that fact. I wasn't. She flirted and asked why I bothered with dinner with her with myself. ’ he said and closed the door to go to his own car. She looked around at the interior to find the usual controls, started the car and adjusted her seat, feeling giddier by the minute. She saw him look at her and the smugness on his face just before he drove off and cursed herself for letting him see her happy to be given this car. *** Jean-Marie waited for Isabelle at the office garage and she tried to keep a straight face as she got out after a fun ride. She couldn’t stand his air of. We smoked two more pipes before Sara waved her hand to decline another hit. “I’m so fucked up now, I’m about to start stripping like Julie.”Mike encouraged her, so I nodded at her, too. “Yeah. Fair’s fair, after all,” I said. Sara had a tee shirt on so -- after glancing again at Julie grinning at her -- she just jerked it off over her head. She was wearing a bra and she turned her back to Julie and asked her to unhook it. She turned back to us and let the bra slip off her arms. She dropped it.
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