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Ruby had been educated in the public schools and knew that these relatives of hers were full of crap but she was also raised to respect them if not fear them and therefore said nothing against their philosophies.“It has taken a long time to build up to the point we are at now with the blacks and Jews running everything.” Says her father. “Yes” says Uncle Adam, “We have to build up our supplies of food and guns and ammo, and should have some extra vehicles handy as well.”As they talked about the. "Those are fucking HUGE" Nancy blurted as she looked and gazed at Laura's set. Laura proudly looked down at her new found chest, "I used to be too small for some B cups but now I am busting out of this 34C" she exclaimed, pushing them together slightly. Nancy could not deny her feelings, her own nipples pushed out hard against her bra as she admired her co-worker's nipples, obviously very erect under the white bra. She had never touched a woman before but she was certain she wanted this to. It's a good-sized load. I keep stroking & squeezing his cock until no more cums out. His cock gradually diminishes & I reluctantly let go of it. His face is beat red and he seems embarrassed. "You won't tell anyone about this will you? I could get fired."I chuckle and say "Hell no. As you know, I'm married and I count on your discretion too." "Thanks" he replies. He puts his cock and balls back in his pants and zips up. He re-buttons his lab coat. He pulls out a surgical glove from the box. She took a sip, coughed, then took another before handing it to Amy.“Are you going to tell us what we have to do for the initiation?” Jill said.“The initiation is two-part. First, you have to jump into the lake. Naked,” Hank said.“Then what?” Amy said.“We’ll tell you after you do the first part,” Mark replied.Amy looked at Jill. “Well?”Getting up, Jill removed her shirt. Amy laughed as she began undressing. Mark, Hank, and I also started stripping.“Are you going skinny-dipping too?” Amy.
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