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Although a little shocked and still not really knowing what to do, it gave me a feeling I had never had before, I had touched my tiny new boobs, which was quite nice, but for someone else to be touching them, it was a whole different feeling. As he realised I wasn’t going to stop him, he got a little more confident and his other arm, which he had round me, started moving closer to my other boob. I just looked up at him for some reason and as I did, he simply looked down at me and moved his hand. > Would that be their only sign of puberty or would they have otherchanges like > growth spurts, voice changes or body hair?By "their" do you mean Athens magnolias? By "that" do you meanblooming? If so, then yes, that's the only obvious sign of puberty(though blood tests etc. would probably show other signs).> For example my species has no growth spurts but they continue growinguntil... > (like hormonal anticonception) cause them to become female,male hormones > cause them to. Sandy stayed on her knees looking down at me for a little while. It gave me the chance to gaze at her large soft breasts. They were full, like a woman that has had a baby but were still young and firm. The nipples were large and erect with excitement. I watched them rise and fall with her breathing.I could see her narrow waist and the soft brown pubic hair between her legs. It almost looked like her pubic hair was shinning with moisture.After she had let me take in the beauty of her nakedness,. She would often come and see me and would ask random questions. I figure I should act like a dick to her so she would leave me alone and also not get tempted to doing something stupid. The more I treat her like crap the more it seemed like she wanted me. I would tell her to go away. Im busy or just ignore her. I am not sure but it started to feel like this girl was so used to getting everything she wanted that I was the first one to basically tell her to fuck off. One night just before the.
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