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Having first-hand experience with the cane being struck against her hiney, As she recalled, she was not a fan! She remembered the clever ruse her older sister had set up. It was her second spanking from Christian. She had been home from college and her parents were away on a cruise. Kate had cajoled their account to making sure Ana got her due. I guess ugly bride’s maid dress comments have consequences.As she picked it up in her hands and felt its heft. Her hiney involuntarily tightened and. I kept thinking that I needed to taste you. Annoyingly, I had an appointment for about two hours but then conspired to follow through with my need to see you.I knew your schedule and the next time you would have a break, so I texted your phone with instructions to meet me at the curb outside the conference hall with the pretense that I had forgotten to give you something.At the agreed upon time, I was parked strategically so I could see you come out of the hall. The doors opened and out poured. I get up real close to the judge with the nice teeth and hair and I get up on top of the judges’ desk. The audience are going wild. The judge with the nice teeth and hair looks a bit embarrassed. I sit on the desk facing him with my legs spread. I’m still singing and wanking my cock, pointing my purple-headed dick right at the horny bastard. The fit woman judge in the middle, she’s wanking him off under the desk. And now she’s wanking the older judge off as well. I spread my legs as wide as I. Everybody who attended appeared to James to be very keen and devout and it was clear that there were rules which were strictly adhered to with regard to manners and custom. Throughout the service there was great emphasis on having a consensual relationship between God and humankind and the importance of procreation and James was intrigued to learn that whilst the Ten Commandments were mainly promoted, there was one revision which was a complete about-face to that which he had signed up to back.
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